

Some local Check_MK checks that were created to execute check_MK local check scripts (Powershell) in 64-bit context, monitor Exchange 2007 health (Storage Group replication status, Log Truncation after backups, etc.), and monitor DNS scavenging on Windows servers: @echo off REM Note that SysNative is available on x86 2008, and on x86 2003 with KB942589 applied set CONSOLE_WIDTH=500 CD %ProgramFiles(x86)%\check_mk\local-64 FOR /R %%X IN (”*“) DO ( %WINDIR%\SysNative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File “%%X”) Execute-Local-64.bat view raw $Host.


If you need more output than what the existing Check of MySQL Status Variables includes, such as Seconds_Behind_Master or Relay_Log_Pos, consider adding a quick line to the bash call for _mysqlstatus on the agent. This assumes you’ve installed themysql_status-1.0.1.mkp and deployed the necessary agent files to the servers you’d like to monitor. This also assumes you’ve correctly configured the credentials needed to run the plugin and successfully receive (standard) output from the agent plugin.


Someone important suggested this get posted somewhere so that anyone else experiencing check_http socket timeout problems with client/servers running Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection would have a clue as to what could be causing issues: If you’re receiving strange/unexpected timeouts from the check_http plug-in when running it against a server using Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection, the Network Inspection Service may be blocking your check attempt. Don’t bother trying to force an agent string or any other weird options; either switch to header-checks-only [no body] using the -N option with check_http, or disable your Network Inspection service entirely (not recommended).