Infrastructure Management


As a result of my frugality, I got my hands on an Adtran Atlas 550 to be used for partitioning a single PRI into two PRIs at my workplace. In addition to the partitioning, this system provides the added bonus of dynamic number substitution. What’s this mean for me? Substituting costly 411 directory service for free Goog-411 service (which I prefer over traditional 411). I’m also able to create a number rejection list to block those NSFW 900* calls [or variation thereof], but the number substitution templates seem much more interesting…


After deploying a few Shuttle KPC K45 systems for UTM (Unified Threat Management) appliances using Untangle 5.42 and 6.00 I got tired of fussing with Shuttle’s MyKover JPEG template(s) and opted to create my own to-scale Word Document template. Feel free to change the included background image and text, I just left that on there for reference. And yes, the screw hole markings are correctly (or nearly correctly) placed. I enjoyed the coffee cover included with the barebone system, but opted for something customized that would allow remote clients to phone in service-calls with all the important information (Local/WAN IP, MAC, FQDN, etc.