

A quick set of batch scripts I wrote up (two of the three scripts, anyway) for dumping all of my (specified) MySQL databases into an archive for backup. The log mailing ( Perl and the MIME:Lite module to correctly function. I’ve also utilized a wrapper script so the log outputs to a separate file [to be mailed]. There’s also a ‘dummy’ log file I use in my crontab file, though this isn’t really necessary:


If only everything was as easy & straight-forward as account provisioning in Zimbra: [shell]!/usr/bin/perl


Provided by : ZCS Wiki

Modified by : J.R.

Last Change : 2008.04.09


Lookup the valid COS (Class of Service) ID in the interface or like this

my $cosid = su &#8211; zimbra -c &#8216;zmprov gc apd |grep zimbraId:&#8217;; $cosid =~ s/zimbraId:\s|\s$//g; while (<>) { chomp;

CHANGE ME: To the actual fields you use in your CSV file